Fishpond cultivation and harvesting fish in the Třebon Region

At the present, more than 500 ponds exist in Třeboň region, ranging from the largest 490 ha Rožmberk to tens of small ponds, oftentimes not even measuring a hectare in size. The total surface area is 7200 ha, which is more than one-tenth of the protected Landscape Area. The ponds, including systems of pond filling channels, were the result of several generations who spent centuries, mainly in medieval times, creating the entirely unique work. The ponds were mainly formed on sites of marshland depressions, the construction of which not only preserved the existing flora and fauna species but also created a suitable environment for numerous other species, which gradually expanded here.

From the natural sciences point of view, the most valuable ponds are protected in reservations. The most famous is the National Natural Reservation Velký and Malý Tisý, the entire complex of pond ecosystems is further protected mainly in reservations of Staré Lake, Ponds by Vitmanova, Rod, Ruda by Kojákovic and in the National Natural Monument Vizír. It is worth also mentioning the Nadějská system built by Jakub Krčín. The system includes ponds with enchanting names: Naděje (Hopes), Rod (Birth), Překvapil (Surprised), Měkký (Soft), Strakatý (Mottled), Láska (Love), Skutek (Act), Víra (Belief), Dobrá vůle (Good Will) and others.

The largest ponds in Třeboň region (according to size): Rožmberk, Horusický, Dvořiště, Velký Tisý, Staňkovský, Záblatský, Svět, Koclířov, Bošilecký, Opatovický.

Among the most famous recreational ponds in Třeboň region are Hejtman and Staňkovský. The pond Hejtman was built in 1560 – 1570 with an area of 82 ha and supplied by water from the Staňkovsky pond and forest streams of the Vydymač Pond.

The water works have become fully integrated with the nature of Třeboň region and thus a unique landscape has been borne, which will captivate every visitor.

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Reservoirs Reservoirs. (total: 3)
  • Rožmberk Pond Rožmberk Pond. The largest Czech pond. The dike is 2430 m long. it was designed by Rožmberk regent Jakub Krčín of Jelčan and Sedlčan.
    Address: Třeboň
  • Staňkovský pond Staňkovský pond. The seventh largest pond in the CR, in the 16th century it was built by Mikuláš Ruthard of Malešov. The pond has a 14 m high and 160 m long dam, it is six kilometers long and has a circumference of 21 km.
    Address: Staňkov
  • Velká Holná - pond Velká Holná - pond. The largest pond in the Jindrichuv Hradec region, water reservoir on Holensky stream. In the 16th century it was reinforced and expanded by Jakub Krčín. In the centre is an island called Naxos.
    Address: Roseč
Fishing - coarse fishing grounds Fishing - coarse fishing grounds. (total: 28)


29.1. 20:11
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5°C / 0°C
Partly cloudy
3°C / -1°C
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2°C / -3°C

Source: Weather Meteocentrum [w:trans]Nové okno[/w:trans].

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